
Partner with Scope Markets and grow your online trading business. We offer dedicated account management support whilst you earn from bespoke and lucrative rebate packages. Scope Markets ensure a mutually rewarding partnership.

Hybrid Offering

  • We work with our partners to help you grow your business.
  • We provide each client with an experienced and dedicated account manager.
  • Flexible options based on business model; we can offer rebates based on volumes or CPA.
  • We offer monthly competitions.
Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
Deposit =$ 5000 10,000 20,000 50,000
Clients # per month 5 10 20 50
Volumes 50 lots 100 lots 200 lots 500 lots
Rebate $2 $4 $6 $8
Entered into prize draw
Basic Merchandise
Premium merchandise / cash 
towards events
Premium merchandise / 
iPhone / cash towards events
IB Portal no yes yes yes
Access to Scope 
Seminar room
no no yes yes

CPA Offering

Cost Per Acquisition also known as a CPA agreement provides the partner with a one-off rebate depending on the deposit amount. We offer 4 Tiers, incrementally rewarding the partner depending on deposit size. To qualify the trader must reach a minimum of 5 lots.

Initial deposit from Initial deposit to CPA rebate
100 499 50
500 999 200
1,000 9,999 500
10,000 9,999,999 1,000

What Does a Partnership Offer?

If you have a unique edge in the financial market, whether from your networks or the service you offer, contact Scope Markets to have a lucrative conversation.
We create earning opportunities for our partners in the Global Financial Markets.

Single-stock CFDs of the most actively traded and lucrative companies in the top exchanges

Forex and the currency market with low latency direct market access to top tier interbank liquidity

Indices and commodity trading exchanges, both future and rolling indices from futures exchanges

We have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in digital marketing technology, trading technology and serving bespoke clients with unique needs.
You can benefit from our unique abilities to help you drive your business, help your clients grow or create new business ventures.

How Do I Earn?

Generate new and recurring revenue from our referral program.
Earn on rebates & commission from introduced business.
We equip you with unique tools to help run your business online.

State-of-the art marketing tools

Web portal to run your business

Client statistics and reporting tools

Dedicated account manager for growth planning


  • Refer an increasing number of clients and watch your rebates grow
  • Pull your own reports and make business projections for the future


  • Track your referrals, click engagement, client’s applications in real time
  • Get in-depth reports of rebates per referral to help grow your business

Who Can Be A Partner

Our partnerships vary from a wide range of participants, some with a finance background and others with a clientele who have a desire to explore, learn and invest.
Whatever your clientele, you can rest assured that they will dealing with a regulated entity with their best interest at heart.

  • Financial market enthusiasts, educators and participants
  • Financial market experts: proprietary trading firms, money managers and family offices
  • Fintech companies
  • Social media influencers
  • Marketers and lead generators

Trade with Trust

Trade with Scope Markets with live support at your convenience.
Trade over 600+ products, across multiple time zones, 24/5, on a device of your choice

Live Support
Get in touch with us.

Secure Funds
All client funds are held in Custody under Segregated trust accounts with regulated banks.

Complex Trading Platforms for the Sophisticated Trader

A variety of trading platform to boost your trading experience.

Scope Markets MetaTrader 4

  • Live quotes
  • 30+ technical indicators
  • Advanced charts
  • Fast execution

Scope Markets MetaTrader 5

  • Multiple markets
  • Complex order management tools
  • Instant execution
  • Advanced training options
Available on:
Scope Markets
Scope Markets

Funding Methods

Scope Markets
Scope Markets


Scope Markets
Scope Markets
Scope Markets
Scope Markets

Scope Markets offers institutional and retail trading services to businesses and traders worldwide. Our top management team has more than 20 years of experience in the industry, and we are proud of the solid partnerships we built over the years. Whether it's a business or individual, Scope Markets has a wide range of trading solutions that are compliant, flexible, cost-efficient, innovative, and place the client first.

Contact Us

Registered address:
6160, Park Avenue, Buttonwood Bay, Lower Flat Office Space Front, Belize City, Belize


+44 20 3519 3851

Risk Warning

Please note that forex trading and trading in other leveraged products involves a significant level of risk and is not suitable for all investors. Trading in financial instruments may result in losses as well as profits and your losses can be greater than your initial invested capital. Before undertaking any such transactions, you should ensure that you fully understand the risks involved and seek independent advice if necessary. Please read and ensure you fully understand our Risk Disclosure.

Legal Information

RS Global Ltd is authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Commission of Belize ("FSC") under the Securities Industry Act 2021 with registration number 000274/2.

Restricted Regions

Scope Markets does not offer its services to the residents of certain jurisdictions. Please read carefully our Restricted Countries document.

Our support service is provided by a third party that acts on behalf of RS Global Ltd. We recommend that you carefully consider any information provided and make your own informed decisions.

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